Vice Principal - External Development, BMet College

Pat Carvalho
Principal + CEO
Birmingham Metropolitan College
I have been a senior leader in the FE sector since 2009. Up until this post, my experience has been in London and I am very pleased to be back in Birmingham. Before entering FE, my first career was in the NHS as a medical secretary, before going on to university as a mature student. In both instances, FE was the vehicle that gave me the confidence to take my career forward and in a different direction.
I believe firmly in the FE sector and how the work we do really helps people progress throughout their lives. So, when I had the choice to go into secondary education or FE at the end of my teacher training – it really was a natural step to join a college. I taught computing in the 90s and early part of this century, having completed an MSc in Artificial Intelligence. I have the upmost respect for our teaching profession, so if anyone asked me now could I teach computing or AI it would be a resounding no!

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