About us
Bringing business and education together to close the region’s skills gap
Skills West Midlands and Warwickshire is a collaborative partnership between local employers and further education providers working to improve access to technical skills provision. Our website serves as a directory for training initiatives in the region, helping businesses develop the skills they need to grow, innovate and thrive.
Developing the skills needed
to grow the regional economy
Working towards the objectives of the region’s Local Skills Improvement (LSIP), we are taking
strides to tackle skills shortages, driving innovation and community prosperity.
Government initiative
Businesses consulted
Providers on board
For Businesses
Analyse the skill gaps in your workforce and find staff training programmes delivered by local education providers.
For Providers
Promote skills initiatives and communicate directly with employers to better understand their training needs.
What people say
“In terms of an engagement model, it doesn’t matter which college we engage with as long as they’re reasonably local but having one central hub to engage with would be a lot easier. Having a portal where you can go to explore how you can work with colleges and schools would be ideal.”
“It would be good to have an individual local point of contact for FE colleges that would give the insight for all other establishments to find out what they offer and establish a connection to their students.”
“One point of contact across the various colleges that can help partner us up with the right students from the right colleges would be really helpful.
“It would be really useful to have a one stop shop where you can go to get all the information across the colleges regarding what they all offer.”
What we are doing
Connecting businesses with tailored training initiatives
Our purpose is to foster collaboration and partnership between employers and training providers, ensuring skills provision aligns with the needs of local business.
Employer skills report
This comprehensive analysis delves into the critical skills requirements of employers within priority growth sectors based across the WMW region.
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News + Blogs

Skills West Midlands + Warwickshire Celebrates Anniversary with Excellence in Skills Partnership Awards
Skills West Midlands + Warwickshire, the body formed by further education colleges and independent training providers across the region as a one-stop shop for business, has marked its first successful year by presenting Skills Partnership Awards to thirteen employers...

Skills West Midlands and Warwickshire Sponsors Birmingham Tech Week
Skills West Midlands and Warwickshire (Skills WMW) is proud to be a bronze sponsor of Birmingham Tech Week 2024. Skills WMW, is a collaboration of further education (FE) training providers and colleges across the region working together to forge links between the...

Skills West Midlands and Warwickshire Exhibits at UK Construction Conference
Skills West Midlands + Warwickshire (Skills WMW) will be this week exhibiting at the UK Construction Conference, held at the NEC in Birmingham. This marks the first time Skills WMW has exhibited under its newly launched brand, uniting a collective of education and...

SkillsWMW and the West Midlands Digital Skills Consortium Launch Survey to Tackle Digital Skills Gap
Skills West Midlands and Warwickshire (SkillsWMW) and the West Midlands Digital Skills Consortium Launch Survey to Tackle Digital Skills Gap SkillsWMW and the West Midlands Digital Skills Consortium (WMDSC) have joined forces to launch a crucial survey aimed at...